He manako te koura, e kore ai
Moumoukai te maunga, tu mai ra
Te whakaruruhau, te whare korero
E kore, kore e riro.
Waitirohia, te awa o Nuhaka, e rere ra
Te Matapuna o te ora
E kore e maroke
Rakaipaaka te iwi, e noho ra
Nga whare rau o Te Tahinga o tera
E kore e ngaro
Tihei mauri ora
Our Marae
"Mate atu he tetekura, ara mai he tetekura."
A Chief dies, another takes his place.
The "Kahungunu Memorial Wharewhakairo" was built as a monument to the men from the Nuhaka-Mahia district who served their country in the two major World Wars and succeeding wars.

Kahungunu marae and wharekai (exterior)
Ngā Poupou (Carvings)
At the opening of the building in 1949, there were only seven named poupou in "Kahungunu". These were the work of seven men who had completed the carving apprenticeship courses run by Master Carvers Pine and John Taiapa. When an apprenticeship was completed, each carver was then able to select a Tipuna to depict in whakairo.

Māhinaarangi (Interior Kahungunu Marae)
This website was made possible through the generosity of many of our Kaumatua in the community, in the district and tribal area, who rendered valuable information, data, and dates about the figures of carving, designs, and all art in the Meeting House. To all college students for research in history, stories, and composing songs relevant to the Arts in the Meeting House.
Acknowledging Kahungunu Marae for financial assistance in the publication of the website.
Pepeha: https://www.ngatirakaipaaka.iwi.nz/rakaipaaka-history/